In order to start the conformity assessment process of your product

it is necessary to submit an application to the selected notified body in the case of placing the product on the European Union. If the product is intended for the UK market, it is necessary to submit an application to an authorized entity. If you have decided to entrust this task to INTERCERT Global, submit your application here.

UKCA Marking

What is UKCA Marking?

UKCA (UK Conformity Assess) Marking is a UK product marking system used for products marketed in the United Kingdom (England, Wales and Scotland). It covers most products for which CE marking was previously required.

+ UKCA Marking

How do I get UKCA Marking Certification?

To obtain certification, the manufacturers must ensure that its products comply with the relevant UK legislation and the relevant standards and specifications established in the UK. We are accredited as a UK conformity assessment body that can provide certification services for UKCA marking and provide training on the requirements of the relevant standard(s) where required.

Ready to become accredited?

Prepare the product and its documentation

For the product selected by you, which you want to introduce to the European Union or British markets, complete its data and documentation.

Fill in the application

Based on the manufacturer`s documents, taking into account the regulations applicable to your product, select the appropriate application and conformity assessment procedure that you want to commission us.

Contact us

If you have any doubts when completing the application, please contact us.



Our product is the highest quality conformity assessment service


Our people - staff with the highest qualifications and experience”


We are quickly, on time and work together to make you satisfied


Intercert Global dołączyło do REDCA

Spółka Intercert Global sp. z o.o. stała się członkiem Stowarzyszenia Zgodności z Dyrektywą dotyczącą Sprzętu Radiowego (REDCA), spełniając tym samym wymogi Dyrektywy dotyczącej Sprzętu Radiowego 2014/53/UE, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do Artykułu 26.11 i Artykułu 38 dla jednostek notyfikowanych.

Więcej aktualności

Otrzymaliśmy Certyfikat Akredytacji Nr. AC 226 wydany przez Polskie Centrum Akredytacji

W dniu 1.09.2022 r spółka Intercert Global sp. z o.o. otrzymała certyfikat akredytacji nr AC 226 wydany przez Polskie Centrum Akredytacji. Certyfikat ten potwierdza spełnienie wymagań normy PN-EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013-03. Zakres akredytacji obejmuje trzy regulacje. 

Więcej aktualności

We Call You Back

If you have any questions regarding the application, certification program, complaints, please fill out this form and we will call you back.

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INTERCERT Global sp. z o.o.

Krucza 16/22, 00-526 Warsaw, Poland,

Pon-Pt 9.00 - 18.00

Pon-Pt 9.00 - 18.00